The True Path: Social Technologies for a New Economy & Society

Part 1 – True Power — the Personal Foundation

excerpt from famous Lao Tzu quote “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” handwritten on blackboard

When connected personal power becomes Collective Power

Your True Power is rooted in your core, your authentic self. It is expressed in your passion, creativity, your soul. Realizing your True Power can alter the trajectory of your life, open your heart and be fulfilling.  The path is self-realization; the continuous understanding of the link between your thoughts and emotions, which create perception, beliefs and behavior. True resilient power is in identifying your current state to reveal the choices you have. Then you will be consciously awake to choose every moment. This is emotional and social intelligence. From this comes wisdom, fulfillment and happiness for ourselves and the others we touch. True Power is the root of our collective power.

Part 2 – True Leadership — the Interpersonal Dynamics

Activating True Power through leadership & relationship

Leadership begs to be re-imagined, redefined and refined to foster co-creative, collaborative and highly effective teams. True Leadership is important and challenging in any culture but especially in cultures of social equality

What is true leadership in a unifying field fueled by wisdom?

  • Unifying
  • Effective
  • Empowering
  • Appropriate
  • Holding the big picture goals
  • Self-mastering
  • Living shared values
    • Interchangeable

What are the leadership characteristics that are most effective in different circumstances, from crisis to stabilizing to co-creating to creating resilience?

Part 3 – True Democracy — the Collective 

Cultivating the wisdom in self organizing, self guiding

Cultivating a wise culture: Working smarter and living together requires continuously looking for true alignment among diverse perspectives. There are many tools and strategies for cooperative cultures. One perspective that represents whole systems thinking, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings is a fundamental principle is the matrix. The True Democracy matrix is inspired by many indigenous culture’s use for democratic governing. The council or circular structure shows the value of inclusivity.

 Zero is the True Wisdom guiding from center

  1. True Passion: Igniting Creativity & Passion
  2. True Now: Evaluating and Reflecting
  3. True Flow: Impacting Future Ecology
  4. True Leadership: Facilitating, Design & Leadership
  5. True Support: Supporting, Learning & Healing
  6. True Relativity: Integrating and Interface
  7. True Action: Activating and Implementing
  8. True Foundation: Structuring, Completion & Re-view